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Towers Rise: The Future of Local Farming

Trying to feed over 8 billion people is not an easy task. To cope with the demand food went

industrial. Locally grown food has become harder to find with the rise in mass production. Today most foods in your grocery store are grown hundreds to thousands of miles away and are transported for days even weeks. This is becoming more of a problem each year. Tower Farming offers a very effective and cost-efficient solution.

A tower garden is a vertical, aeroponic growing system. These gardens give you the ability to

grow as many as 20 different fruits, vegetables, herbs, and flowers at once. The garden is designed to be a household item occupying less than three square feet, and able to be kept indoors or outdoors.

Companies such as ATL Urban Farms and Sweetwater Urban Farms are paving the way. These

companies offer tower garden solutions for single households, restaurants, businesses, and schools. The towers grow food 30% healthier, 3 times faster, and use 90% less water. Using aeroponic growing methods tower gardens grow plants with only water and nutrients rather than dirt. This means you will enjoy abundant, nutritious harvests just weeks after planting without having to worry about weeds or mess.

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One part of what makes the tower garden such a great solution for local farming are the

seedlings. Unlike vegetables which lose most of their nutrients in the shipping process; seedlings are much smaller and can be transported for up to 3 days without loosing nutritional value. Seedlings arrive at your door ready to be planted in your tower garden. For less than you would pay at a traditional grocery store your whole family can enjoy better tasting and healthier foods the same day they are harvested.

Other benefits of gardening include boosting your immune system, reinforcing your memory,

and lowering stress. Some studies show that the act of gardening enhances your brain and may lower your risk of dementia by as much as 36%. Other studies show that maintaining a tower garden will reduce your risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, stroke, depression, osteoporosis, and restore your natural energy.

If you look at this objectively tower farming is a win all the way around. You will save money, eat

better food, and most likely spend less time tending your garden than you would on a trip to the grocery store.

For more information on tower farming visit the links below. Knowledge is power, and how you

use that power is your choice.

Green Thumb challenges you to take 5 minuets out of your week and gather your own research on tower farming. Stay healthy and a big Green Thumb Up to all!

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