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About Us

Organic Information

The Green Thumb has a vision. A vision of a society that is informed about the food they eat. One article at a time The Green Thumb is creating a platform about all things food to educate our community and help promote local farming. By helping us spread the thumbprint we can empower businesses that work day and night to make our planet greener. Let us be the generation that changes the food industry. We all should have the right to know what goes into our bodies. The time is now. Spread the message and earn your Green Thumb today.






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What Does It Mean To Be Green Thumb Certified?

The thumbprint is placed on businesses that actively work to better our environment.  By supporting Green Thumb certified companies you are taking power away from companies who hurt our planet and giving it to companies that make it greener.


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The Green Thumb App

The Green Thumb App is on the way. The app will feature a mobile-friendly version of The Green Thumb, along with a restaurant locator that highlights Green Thumb certified restaurants, and many more surprises to come.  


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Green Thumb Communities

Green Thumb Communities strives to create an interwoven network of businesses and people that share the same home. By being a part of a Green Thumb Community you will have access to information about everything green in your town. Whether you are searching for restaurants that source locally, a good place to buy groceries, events, or even homemade gifts, Green Thumb communities aim to connect people who support our environment with the businesses that do the same.


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